2 Days a Week Compounds Muscle Building Workout!

2 Days a Week Compounds Muscle Building Workout!

If you're like me and finding it hard to fit in gym sessions while you're trying to put in more time in your grappling, striking or martial arts. Then this may be an affective plan for you to build muscle and strength. At the end of the day you're not a body builder so being in the gym 4 x a week is a) not achievable and b) not inline with your main goal

This is also suitable for those that may just not have time due to a busy life style or work. Therefore below is a gym workout split into 2 days.


each exercise is for 3-5 sets with as many reps as you can do

1) Dead lifts

2) Bench press (either barbel or dumbells)

3) Shoulder press (seated with dumbells, standing up with a barbell is also a good alternative and can be alternated each week)

4) Lat pull down

5) Sit ups


each exercise is for 3-5 sets with as many reps as you can do

1) Squats

2) Bent over rows

3) Incline bench

4) Wide grip pull ups

5) Dumbell lunges

I like to start this workout with 15 minutes skipping but you can add any warm up of your choice either a 10 minute skip, the bicycle or the treadmill. You do not want to burn yourself out before you hit these exercises as compounds are very energy consuming. Nonetheless having a warm up can prevent inuries and allow you to feel much more comfortable when lifting.  

check out our gym range to get you started on your workouts.

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